A community

We are a bunch of people sharing a purpose driven culture. We started in 2011, we've reborn in 2021 and we already have plans for the next 10 years.

This is us

Bruno Borgoglio
Co-Founder. Chief Executive Officer.
Effort is the key to unlocking our potential
Emiliano Porterie
Co-Founder. Chief Operating Officer
Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships.
Julio Spinetto
Co-Founder. Chief Design Officer
Sé vos, nomás, y al mundo salvarás.
Charo Espinosa
Partner. Chief Production Officer.
“I've been drinking caffè latte since the fifth grade and I haven't looked back.” — Cosmo Kramer
Eric Kersten
Partner. Chief Technology Officer
Have you tried turning it off and on again?
Diego Iñurrategui
Culture Designer
Hakuna matata
Ricardo Teruel
Co-Founder. Chief Visionary Officer
We're all animals
Sebastian Fernandez
El dinero va a y viene, el tiempo solo va.
Lorena Babarro
Experience Designer
¡Buenos días por la mañana!
Fabian Moreno
Experience Designer
“Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.” Steve Jobs.
Yelitza Atuesta
Culture. Administration
Permítete el tiempo y espacio para crecer a tu propio ritmo.
Rocio Turletto
Experience Designer
Choose not a life of imitation
Melanie Campos
Experience Design
"Creating is the most intense excitement one can come to know" - Anni Albers
Mauricio Garófalo
Experience Designer
De adentro hacia afuera
Matias Abraham
Project Manager
Sin prisa pero sin pausa!
Sofía Fernández
Experience Designer
La felicidad esta a un mate de distancia.
Ludmila Maldonado
Experience Designer
Persevera y triunfarás
Mariano Pedrini
Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.
Genaro Vendrame
Project Manager
Deja que tus acciones hablen por ti.
Juan Cruz Santamaría
Experience Designer
Uno nunca sabe lo que traerá la marea
Kimey Mastrángelo
Se me ha visto fallar pero jamás quedarme quieta.
Nicolás Gallardo
La gente rara vez tiene éxito, a menos que se divierta con lo que hace.
Hidra Cabero
Experience Designer
La mejor forma de predecir el futuro, es diseñándolo! :)
Gastón Bordelois
Project Manager
Roll for initiative
Alejo Villarroel
Experience Designer
Quiénes somos y cómo nos relacionamos con la sociedad dictará nuestro "éxito" dentro de ella.
Gabriel Mensi
Perseverancia y sacrificio
Florencia Manara
Experience Designer
Sé curioso, porque nuestra curiosidad siempre nos conduce por nuevos caminos.
Florencia Di Sorbo
Experience Designer
“Many of the truths that we cling to depend on our point of view.” — Yoda
David Loffredo
Experience Designer
It doesn't matter what I am, what matters is how I can be free
Carla Silingardi
Experience Designer
Únicamente aquellos que se atreven a tener grandes fracasos, terminan consiguiendo grandes éxitos.
Alejandro Demergassi
"Hurling yourself into the abyss and discovering it's a feather bed" - Terence McKenna
Abril Zurita
Experience Designer
El riesgo es optimismo.
Michelle Boudakian
"We do have a lot in common. The same Earth, the same air, the same sky. Maybe if we started looking at what's the same instead of what's different... well, who knows" Meowth
Francisco Vento
Nada de lo que vale la pena en la vida se logra sin esfuerzo.
Tiago Scarone
Experience Designer
Diseñado por y para humanos
Mailen Biera
Experience Designer
Make it happen💫
Chiara Tanzi
Intento aprender de las experiencias que voy teniendo

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