The path with heart

"Anything is a path among countless paths that lead nowhere*"

The idea of reaching nowhere makes a lot of sense to us: when the destination is the focus, the path falls out of frame. When we shift our gaze away from "where we're going," we start paying attention to the steps we take, the way we walk, and we open ourselves to whatever the path has to offer. As a result, the urgencies that always overshadow what truly matters begin to fade away.

What is important? you might ask.

In our case, what mattered was realizing that the destination didn’t matter as much as the purpose behind our journey. It was a somewhat chaotic and overwhelming process that brought us closer as a team and materialized our purpose.

In our manifesto, we declared our commitment to staying true to our way of feeling and trusting our instincts. We vowed to act with good intentions, being mindful of the impact our journey has on the world.

And then things started to happen...

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Perhaps the most significant milestone was joining the B Corp community after obtaining our certification through a deeply enriching process. This journey confirmed, step by step, that our instincts were right: we can be agents of change for a better future.

Walking new paths consciously led us to relearn and internalize that small actions also have an impact. It doesn't matter how big or small, how influential we think it is, or what activity we're involved in—there is always, ALWAYS something positive we can do.

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We found ourselves needing to measure our environmental impact, which led us to not only calculate our carbon footprint but also to offset it and commit to minimizing it by joining the NetZero 2030 . On this journey, we were supported by Plan 21, who first measured and then verified our carbon neutrality, granting us the Carbon Zero certification, and our friends at ReforestArg, who were able to plant more native trees in Patagonia thanks to the commitment of every person working at EGO.

We also focused on our office, which has been certified as a Conscious Office by Ecohouse, implementing processes for waste recycling, energy efficiency, and a healthy work environment. We created an environmental training plan for the coming years to keep our commitment to learning and spreading awareness always on the agenda.

We connected with impact entrepreneurs who convinced us that we needed to create something for them, leading to the birth of our “Impactful Entrepreneurship Program” to support and empower those who are changing the world with their ideas. We decided to formalize our donation efforts by creating the “Participatory Donation Program,” committing to donate at least 1% of our gross annual revenue through a transparent process where the entire EGO community (our team, clients, and partners) proposes and selects the organizations we work with.

What mattered most was realizing that it wasn’t about where we were going, but about the purpose behind our journey.

We are convinced and committed to generating a positive impact on the world we inhabit. Our starting point is ourselves, making our agency a platform for change, a prototype of the world we want to build—with freedom, respect, consciousness, inclusion, and diversity.

We began by saying, "Anything is a path among countless paths that lead nowhere..." but we left out how this reflection continues:

"...Look at every path closely and deliberately. Then ask yourself one question: Does this path have a heart? If it does, the path is good. No path leads anywhere, but one has a heart and the other doesn’t. One makes for a joyful journey; as long as you follow it, you are one with it. The other will make you curse your life. One makes you strong; the other weakens you.*”

This is our path, where we found our heart. Everyone is invited to join us.

*Excerpt from *Journey to Ixtlan* by Carlos Castaneda

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